Electric Eggplant Apps

Real Friends vs the Other Kind 1.3.3
Middle School Confidential 2: Real Friends vs.the Other Kind"Excellent and well written with a lot of valuable content...definitely worth checking out."—Crazy Mike's AppsMiddle school social drama can flare up without warning and turnyour world upside down. At times like this, you may wonder, “Whoare my real friends?” Based on the second book in the award-winningMiddle School Confidential™ series, Real Friends vs. the Other Kindfollows Jack, Jen, Chris, Abby, Mateo, and Michelle from the firstapp as they forge friendships and navigate tough social situations.They run into relationship issues such as making friends, resolvingdisputes, and dealing with gossip, exclusion, andcyberbullying.Written by teen expert and anti-bullying activist Annie Fox,illustrated by Matt Kindt, and published by Free Spirit Publishing,this graphic novel app enables readers to zoom right into the storyworld. The app puts decision-making power into the hands ofreaders, with interactive quizzes that test what a real friendwould do in a given situation. With beautiful full-colorillustrations and richly layered audio made up of movie-like soundeffects and music, Real Friends will be a surefire hit with 8- to14-year-olds (even those who don’t like to read!). As a bonus forparents and teachers, this app puts thought-provoking storytellingand solutions into the hands of teens who deal with trickyfriendship issues every day. It will challenge teens to think abouttheir friendships in new ways and encourage them to stand up forthemselves and be more empathetic.REVIEWS“...Annie Fox’s series of graphic novels was cutting-edge inprint—[but] even more amazing [as an app]! I am delighted to seethe quizzes... These interactive activities can help young peopleintegrate the important lessons from the novels into their lives.Electric Eggplant has really perfected an otherwise near-perfectseries with this additional interactive content.”—Carisa Kluver,Digital Storytime“...even better than its predecessor. Is there any way to give afive-and-a-half star review?”—Lory Gil, Padgadget“Two thumbs up! This is a series not to be missed.”–Andrea Gardner,Applicable2U“Who needs to pay $8 for a movie ticket, when you have the drama ofmiddle school right in your hand?”—Lori Calabrese, NationalChildren’s Books Examiner.com“Will challenge teens to reflect upon their relationships and thinkcritically about what it means to be a true friend.”—Mindy Douglas,Software SmoothieVIDEOhttp://youtu.be/AuimJcTAj4UFEATURES• Graphic novel format for easy reading• Interactive quizzes test what you would do in a sticky socialsituation• Page swipe or touch page edges for easy navigation• Auto-save feature remembers your place in the story• Info page allows you to jump to the beginning of any of the 8chapters• 38 pages of story plus bonus Meet the Cast pages• Two modes of reading: full-page mode or double-tap to zoom-in forframe-by-frame reading• Movie-like sound effects and music (enhanced sound in zoomed-inmode)CONTENT VALUE• Compelling stories that deal with universal tween and earlyteenage stumbling blocks:  + The Boyfriend/Girlfriend Zone  + Self-confidence  + Communication problems  + Conflict resolution  + Out of control emotions  + Friendship issues  + Peer Approval Addiction (doing whatever it takes tofit in)• Thoughtful solutions for teens grappling with personal and socialissues• Designed for the hard-to-reach “tween” age group, includingreluctant readers• Powerful addition to an advisory or character educationcurriculum• Ideal for teachers who use technology in the classroomPRIVACY POLICYhttp://www.MSConfidential.com/msc2/#privacyElectric Eggplant is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborativegroup of family-friendly developers.Recommended Ages: 8–14Categories: Books, Reading, Graphic Novelshttp://ElectricEggplant.comTwitter: @ElectrcEggplantfacebook.com/Electric.Eggplant
Be Confident in Who You Are 1.4.3
Middle School Confidential 1: Be Confident inWho You Are✭ “My 11-year-old daughter, who starts middle school in thefall... gave the app an enthusiastic ‘pretty cool!!’”—CNET✭ “This book is really exceptional. It’s fun, hip and somethingyouth will relate to.”—Digital StorytimeMiddle school can be a serious pain with bullies putting youdown, blowups threatening friendships, and real doubts about howyou measure up. Good thing you don’t have to go it alone! MeetMateo, Michelle and their friends—six teens trying to figure outwhat middle school’s all about. Follow their adventures and watchas they learn how to get along in middle school.Be Confident is based on Book 1 of the award-winning MiddleSchool Confidential™ series written by teen expert Annie Fox,illustrated by Matt Kindt, and published by Free Spirit Publishing.This graphic novel app enables readers to zoom right into the storyworld. With beautiful full-color illustrations and richly layeredaudio made up of movie-like sound effects and music, Be Confidentwill be a sure-fire hit with 8-14 year olds. (Even those who don’tlike to read!) As a bonus for parents and teachers, this app putsthought-provoking entertainment and solutions into the hands ofteens who deal with these personal issues every day. It’s likely tochallenge teens to think about their emotions and behavior in newways and encourage them to make more respectful, cooperativechoices at school and at home.REVIEWS“This is good-quality targeted character education.”—School LibraryJournal“Takes advantage of zoom features to take readers through panel bypanel, providing a sense of forward motion that synchronizes wellwith the text’s format.”—Kirkus Reviews“reminds [kids] to take pride in their own talents and not to letpeer pressure get them down.”—Common Sense Media“Even the most reluctant reader will have a go at it.”—FunEducational Apps“I’d recommend [it] as a great resource for both kids and theirparents.”—Brooks Jones“A wonderful resource [for] this tricky, in-between age group.”—TheiPhone Mom“Plants the seeds of self-confidence in your child.”—The Wonder ofTech“There are thousands of apps teaching reading and math, but notmany developers are taking a shot at this... extremely importantmaterial.”—Smart Apps for Kids“Ahead of the pack in creating a multi-sensory comicexperience.”—Corona SDK blog“The graphics [are] brilliant!”—There’s a Book“Each page is a joy to explore.”—Software SmoothieFEATURES• Graphic Novel format for easy reading• Page swipe or touch page edges for easy navigation• Auto-save feature remembers your place in the story• Info page allows you to jump to the beginning of any of the 8chapters• 44 pages of story plus bonus Meet the Cast pages• Two modes of reading: full-page mode or double-tap to zoom-in forframe-by-frame reading• Movie-like sound effects and music (enhanced sound in zoomed-inmode)CONTENT VALUE• Compelling stories that deal with universal tween and earlyteenage stumbling blocks:  + Self esteem  + Body image  + Stress  + Out of control emotions  + Friendship issues  + Peer Approval Addiction (doing whatever it takes tofit in)  + Bullying• Thoughtful solutions for teens grappling with personal and socialissues• Designed for the hard-to-reach “tween” age group, includingreluctant readers• Powerful addition to an advisory or character educationcurriculum• Ideal for teachers who use technology in the classroomElectric Eggplant is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborativegroup of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality appsfor kids and families.Recommended Ages: 8-14Categories: Books, Reading, Graphic NovelsVideo: http://youtu.be/J2aMnRCCL-khttp://MiddleSchoolConfidential.comhttp://ElectricEggplant.comTwitter: @ElectrcEggplantfacebook.com/Electric.Eggplant
爆笑パズル ルーブさんのおかしな発明 1.0.0
ジュースが飲みたい?グラスに直接注ぐなんて退屈だ!びっくり箱にヘンな生き物、そしてシンバルをかき鳴らすおっさんをむりやり使って達成しよう!創造的って素晴らしい!■ルーブ・ゴールドバーグ公式発明ゲーム■小さな問題を大げさな装置で解決するのが「ルーブ・ゴールドバーグマシン」。ルーブ・ゴールドバーグは、19〜20世紀に実在したサンフランシスコ生まれの漫画家です。多芸・多才な人物で、若かりし頃は水道局の技術職や新聞社などさまざまな職業を経て、一大ブームを巻きこす程の風刺漫画家として大成功をおさめました。溢れんばかりの才能と技術者としての知識も相まって、誰にも思いつかないようなとってもおかしなからくりマシンをいくつも発案しては、漫画に描き残しました。ルーブさんの描いた公式発明の数々を、突っ込みどころ満載なパズルゲームとして体験してください。■ヘンな発明オンパレード!やりがいのあるパズルが総計18ステージ■ ルーブさんの発明は、単純なことを実現する時にでも、複雑にするための手段を選びません!とんでもないところで目覚まし時計を鳴らしたり、ガラクタを利用したり、あげくの果てには、にわとりやペンギン、おっさんまで装置に組み込みます。謎が解けたあかつきには、きっと笑い出さずにはいられないでしょう。あなたはこの奇想天外な発明をいくつ解明できるでしょうか?■パズルをただ解くだけじゃない!おかしな実績でやり込み度UP!■ 目的を達成するための発明方法は一つではありません。時には面倒な仕掛けにしなくても目的を達成出来てしまうものです。しかし!おや、イヌがお好きですか?要らなくっても仕掛けに使っちゃいましょう!ヒモで縛るのが大好き?縛っちゃいましょう!創造性を発揮して、様々な実績をアンロックしましょう。完璧に奇想天外な装置を作り上げたら、バッツ教授があなたの天才性に脱帽して賞をくれるかも!?ABOUT ELECTRIC EGGPLANTFounded by David and Annie Fox in 1992, Electric Eggplant hasconsistently garnered kudos on its games, educational software, andbooks and apps for kids, tweens, and teens. David began his gamedesign career in 1982 at Lucasfilm Games (LucasArts). During hisdecade there he helped invent the classic point-and-click graphicadventure genre. David is the Game Designer and Executive Produceron “Rube Works”. ElectricEggplant.comABOUT KALANI GAMESKalani Games is a game design & development studio in Austin,Texas. Founded by industry veteran, Kalani Streicher, Kalani Gameshas developed games for mobile, social and online platforms,pushing the boundaries of original, innovative and new game playexperiences. KalaniGames.comABOUT HRGHRG (Heirs of Rube Goldberg) is a family-run company led by Rube’sgranddaughter, Jennifer George. Their mission is to raise awarenessof Rube’s work and to license the intellectual property toappropriate entertainment and media partners who will remain trueto the spirit of her grandfather’s legacy. HRG works in tandem withRGI (Rube Goldberg, Inc), the non-profit arm whose mission includeseducation outreach programs for students and tinkerers of all agesthrough Rube Goldberg Machine contests around the globe.RubeGoldberg.com© Electric Eggplant and Heirs of Rube Goldberg, LLCJuice want to drink?Boring Nante pour directly into the glass! Strange creatures in thejack-in-the-box, and trying to accomplish by using forced the oldman strumming the cymbals! Great I creative!■ Rube Goldberg invention official game ■To solve a small problem in a exaggerated device "Rube Goldbergmachine".Rube Goldberg is a San Francisco-born cartoonist was real to the19-20 century. In versatile, multi-talented person, younger days isthrough a variety of occupations, such as technical positions andthe newspaper of the Waterworks Bureau, was a great success as asatirical cartoonist of enough to rub up the big boom. Coupled withknowledge of as exuberant talent and technical personnel, to whomis also a number of very funny trick machine so as not to think ofalso brainchild, it was left to draw the comic.A number of Rube's drew official invention, please experience asthrusting far from packed puzzle game.■ strange invention on parade! Challenging puzzles total 18stage ■Lube's invention, even when you realize a simple thing, we do notchoose the means to complex! Outrageous or rang the alarm clock inthe place, or to use the junk, to top it off, you built-in chickenand penguins, until the old man device. The mystery was solvedAkatsuki, will not help but laugh out I'm sure.Will you be able to number elucidate this bizarre invention?■ Not only solve the puzzle just! UP every time speedrun infunny performance! ■Invention a method for achieving the object is not a one. Evenwithout the sometimes tedious gimmick is what she can achieve thepurpose. However! Oh, do you like dogs for? Even'd better needChaimashou using the gimmick! I love to tie with string? Chaimashoutied! To demonstrate the creativity, let's unlock variousachievements. Once you build up a perfectly bizarre device, beButts professor give me a prize to take my hat off to your genius!?ABOUT ELECTRIC EGGPLANTFounded by David and Annie Fox in 1992, Electric Eggplant hasconsistently garnered kudos on its games, educational software, andbooks and apps for kids, tweens, and teens. David began his gamedesign career in 1982 at Lucasfilm Games (LucasArts). During hisdecade there he helped invent the classic point-and-click graphicadventure genre. David is the Game Designer and Executive Produceron "Rube Works". ElectricEggplant.comABOUT KALANI GAMESKalani Games is a game design & development studio in Austin,Texas. Founded by industry veteran, Kalani Streicher, Kalani Gameshas developed games for mobile, social and online platforms,pushing the boundaries of original, innovative and new game playexperiences. KalaniGames. comABOUT HRGHRG (Heirs of Rube Goldberg) is a family-run company led by Rube'sgranddaughter, Jennifer George. Their mission is to raise awarenessof Rube's work and to license the intellectual property toappropriate entertainment and media partners who will remain trueto the spirit of her grandfather's legacy. HRG works in tandem withRGI (Rube Goldberg, Inc), the non-profit arm whose mission includeseducation outreach programs for students and tinkerers of all agesthrough Rube Goldberg Machine contests around the globe.RubeGoldberg.com© Electric Eggplant and Heirs of Rube Goldberg, LLC
Are You My Friend? 1.05
Raymond Alligator is a super smart, supershy5-year-old who feels left out when big sister Sheila has afriendover. He and his teddy bear are tighter than tight, butlatelyRaymond’s wondering if he needs someone else to be hisfriend.Making a new friend sounds like a great idea but, well, itcan alsobe kinda scary. This fully illustrated digital picturebookfeatures music and read-to-me audio narration. It also includesaunique guide for parents interested in helping their kidswithsocial and emotional learning. Ages 4-8.Visit RaymondAndSheila.com for more info.• Read-it-to-me narration and character voices• Full soundtrack with music and sound effects• Voice and music can be turned off so parent or child can readthebook• Automatic bookmark so you don't lose your place• Unique friendship skills/social and emotional learning guideforparents and teachersABOUT THE AUTHORAnnie Fox, M.Ed., has been teaching, writing and creatinginnovativecontent for kids for 30+ years. Her first picture book"People AreLike Lollipops" (Holiday House) was published beforeshe was legallyold enough to sign the contract. Since then Anniehas designed manyclassic kids’ computer games. She’s also writtenseveralaward-winning books for tweens and teens, including thepopularMiddle School Confidential series. AnnieFox.comABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOREli Noyes’s involvement with media creation goes way back andcoversa wide range of disciplines. Starting as an animator hecreated hisown wacky brand of short films, picking up an Oscarnomination alongthe way. Eli’s work includes projects for SesameStreet, HBO,Scholastic, Nickelodeon, MTV, Pixar, Disney and OxygenMedia. He wasco-creator of the Nickelodeon children’s televisionseries,Eureeka’s Castle, and directed two recurring segments onMTV’srevolutionary television series, Liquid Television. In the“swamp”at Alligator Planet, Eli continues the tradition, creatingshortfilms, directing animation for documentaries, consulting onkid’stelevision and web projects. AlligatorPlanet.comABOUT THE PUBLISHERFounded in 1992 by David and Annie Fox, Electric Eggplant hasbeenon the forefront of multimedia design and production. In their37years of marriage they’ve partnered on dozens ofground-breakingprojects including co-founding the Marin ComputerCenter (1977)—theworld’s 1st public-access microcomputercenter—games, educationalsoftware, Emotional Intelligence content,and books for kids,tweens, and teens. David began his career ingame design in 1982 asemployee #3 at Lucasfilm Games (nowLucasArts). In 2010, thecompany began creating story apps startingwith their Middle SchoolConfidential apps, “Be Confident in Who YouAre” and “Real Friendsvs. the Other Kind.” ElectricEggplant.com
Rube Works: Rube Goldberg Game 1.5.1
Electric Eggplant
The Official Rube Goldberg Invention Game